
Our Mission
Our mission is to organize and cultivate parent and community-led awareness, advocacy, accountability, and collective action in every community seeking progress surrounding issues of race, ability, neurodiversity, religion, gender, identity and all other forms of inequality.
While we are not affiliated with, sponsored by, nor beholden to any school district or political party, we do foster positive working relationships with school and community leaders while also addressing the 4 "A's".
We raise awareness about and celebrate the beautiful diversity of every student and those in the greater community ensuring all are rightfully treated equally in value.
We advocate for equitable treatment of all within our schools and communities.
We believe there will be no change without accountability. We hold school and community leaders accountable to seeing through much needed progress in these areas.
We take action at the micro level and when necessary mobilize the entire network to address pressing issues.

Our Values
We value and are guided by truth rather than operating out of opinion and assumption.
We aim to exemplify love in all our interactions, believing love is the greatest weapon and neutralizer against bias and misunderstanding.