Frequently Asked Questions
What is PDN's purpose?
Our purpose is to organize and cultivate parent and community-led awareness, advocacy, accountability, and collective action in every community seeking progress surrounding issues of race, ability, neurodiversity, religion, gender, identity and all other areas of bias.
Do you have to be a parent to be a part of PDN?
No you don't! Although PDN began as a network of parents, it has since grown to include parents, educators, and general community members eager to see our community progress in these areas. All are welcome whether or not you're a parent.
Can people who are not persons of color be in PDN?
Yes, of course! We are a collection of community members from diverse cultural, racial, religious, and political backgrounds seeking progress regarding all areas of diversity.
What is the difference between PDN and other district or school diversity committees?
We are a network of parents and community members from multiple school districts. While PDN is not under the umbrella of or formally sponsored by any district, we do affect change by fostering positive relationships with students, teachers, and administrators within our respective districts.
Is this available in my school district?
While we are currently active in Olentangy Schools, this network of building relationships and taking action can be replicated in any district. Contact us at if you would like a Parent Diversity Network in your school district.
Is it too late to join in?
Not at all. If interested, go to or click HERE to join.